Sunday, June 24, 2007

Students have opportunities to use the Read/Write web to promote critical thinking, synthesis and provision of information on assigned topics such as ethical issues. All students would be able to participate and express their opinions as well as communicate in a social atmosphere. Students get to know other class mates viewpoints or even those of the author. In a traditional classroom setting, few students participate due to motivation, fear of public speaking, and/or time constraints in the class. Students that excel at writing have an opportunity to exhibit their work and receive a grade for it. The process encourages self-reflection on social issues that otherwise may not have been addressed.

1 comment:

Mindy L. said...

I agree that the read/write web encourages all students to participate in a discussion. It also gives them a chance to read their response and fine tune it before "speaking" it. With all of the comments being archived, one can always go back, reread, and analyze what others say. Mindy L.