Monday, July 9, 2007

Flickr: Photos from tkaren41

Flickr: Photos from tkaren41

Image citation: (2007, July 9). Desideratum. Retrieved July 9, 2007 from

I could use Flickr in my classroom when I want students to journal, reflect, analyze or involve them in a discussion about photos depicting topics such as aging, death and dying, cultural diversity, communication. This promotes their critical thinking skills and exposes them to different perspectives on the subjects. It also sharpens their writing skills.


Mindy L. said...

I like your idea on an activity to use Flickr in your nursing curriculum. The pictures chosen could act as a springboard for discussion on the many different experiences and emotions that your nurses will have to face in their professions. M.L.

Lee Anne said...

Karen, great idea. Visuals stimulate a different kind of thinking or just a different perspective, allowing more critical thought about a topic.

Lee Anne